Unit 3: City Solution

Unit 3: City Solution


            Many people discuss which one is better, the city or the country? Most of them tend to mention the city as their answer, since hospitals, schools and much more are closer to them. We can use Puerto Rico as an example, like how many people from the country decides to go to the city like San Juan or Ponce.


This unit is about how the big cities grow and extend around the world by the pass of time. A brief example is that in 1900 there were only 16 cities around the world but in 2010 there were already 442 cities and counting. Also, nowadays there are more people living in the cities than in the country. Some cities area in west Africa, China and the India are really overpopulated city, with approximated 50 million peoples.


On the literature “living on urban planet” it talk about how millions of peoples live on the big city. Over 150 million of people to be specific. By 2050, that could increase more than two-thirds. In the decade of 19 and early 20, a large urban area began to grow with many people that started moving to the cities, but there is a con with the situation. The con is that there are more crimes, diseases and is really crowded. However, have seen some few changes to the cities during the pass of time. Harvard economist Edward Glaeser believe that cities bring positive benefits, this reflects on one of his book “The Triumph of the city”. With this people flocking the cities because that is usually where the money is. Cities being productive thanks to the people that lives and works there. According to Glaeser, the perfect example of how the information can change in an urban environment is the trading floor of the New York exchange on Wall Street.


On the “The urban Visionary” writing by Richard Wurman talks about how for the first time ever the world population is mostly urban. The people flock to the cities because of the new possibility to have a new life like for example: new job, new lover, etc. Wurman says that the people look for cities that pop out are the ones that are the largest, oldest, and faster growing. He tells how can they survive on a city that sustain their unfractured… well actually nothing can survive as it is now. Although there are many ideas for making things better that increase safety, cleaner air and other.



In conclusion, by living on the city might be positive or negative experience. You can have a new and better life or must suffer the city damage. Also, we can point out that is not always a promising idea to constantly move to the city, but it all depends of the person’s point of view.